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How can I change my phone number and email address?
How can I change my phone number and email address?
Updated over a week ago

📱 To change your phone number:

For security reasons, updating your phone number on Poppy requires help from our support team. Your phone number is key to our authentication process, so this extra step protects your account.

Please send us:

  1. A selfie holding your driver’s license along with a paper showing today’s date.

  2. Your current phone number linked to your Poppy account.

  3. The new phone number you want to use.

Send these details securely via email to [email protected]. Once verified, we’ll update your phone number. Our team will process your request as quickly as possible.

📩 To change your email address in the app:

  1. Tap the profile icon in the bottom-right corner.

  2. Select the settings icon (chainwheel) in the upper-right corner.

  3. Choose 'Email' to update your address.

  4. Enter your new email and save changes.

⚠️ Note: For security reasons, users must update their own email addresses. Poppy support cannot make changes for you. Keeping your email current helps you receive important updates.

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